Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Nine Bonsai Commandments

I had included this inside one of my earlier it is on its own, with an added 'commandment'.

Steps to Bonsai Success
1. Books and tutorial videos are great ways to begin, but consider the source. Real experienced practitioners in your immediate locality are even better.
2. Having more than one bonsai means you can share the love and won't kill a single tree with kindness. But it is possible to have too many.
3.See as much real, in person bonsai as you can. Look at it from all angles. The design principles of what is pleasing and what is not will penetrate.
4. Use plants that are native to your area when possible, or proven hardy. Save the challenge for exotic or 'oddball' stock for later.
5. Fertilize more often than you think you need to, fertilize less strongly than you think you need to.
6.Never trust Mother Nature to water for you.
7. Use of good cultural practices, sanitation and hygiene will prevent many disease and pest problems.
8.Accepting that there are no hard and fast schedules, and that bonsai success depends on actions and decisions based on observation, experience and knowledge means that you are beginning the transition from novice to practitioner.

9. Learn as much as you can about general botany and the end, bonsai are still plants.

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